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Happy New Year! Lets make 2023 our year!

Happy New Year to everyone and welcome 2023!

A New Year, a renewed sense of hope and belief! Let us do everything we can to own 2023 and make it our year!

For me personally, as I reflect on 2022, it’s a year of mixed events including love, happiness, accomplishments, moments of gratitude and humility, and a very sad tragic loss. Nonetheless, I am a big believer of fate and destiny, and 2022 was a another year that brought a number of blessings.

What am I thankful for in 2022?

  • My family – something I have DREAMED of for the longest time. Early on I knew I wanted a family, but it was a long waiting game until I found the right person, and then in 2020 my amazing partner entered my life who this year I get to call my wife.
  • Our son turned 1 year old and he is such a mini-me, often challenging us and at the same time throwing a touch of love in the things he does πŸ™‚
  • We welcomed our 2nd child into our world this month, a sweet baby girl who is already showing her personality
  • We lost 1 of our 2 dogs tragically and spent our fair share of moments grieving, trying to process, and as we were trying to make sense of it all, the universe began to show us signs that it was meant to be. With very heavy hearts, we began to accept it for what it is, and that we now have one of the best guardian angels we could ask for. We will never forget, but we move on with you continuing to live in our heart and memories. RIP Max – we love you so much!
  • I pulled off a lateral transition to a completely different area of the business at Loblaw (the company I work for) with the support of many people that believe in me. This was 2 years in the making from the very early days of discussions with my mentors about what I wanted out of my career.
  • We were given a time window for my wife to go back to work and put in the required time for us to get maternity leave top-up. I am so proud of her and grateful that I have someone by my side who is so strong-willed and determined.
  • My closest friends, the ones that have my back, have the best energy in the world, and keep me motivated by leading by example.
  • My ongoing personal development journey to be a better version of myself and the wisdom to realize and accept that there is always room for improvement.

On a deeper level, I am grateful for everyday that I wake up and get to spend another day with everyone I love, doing the things that I love and that give me a sense of purpose.

What am I looking forward to in 2023?

  • New memories with my family and moments that make us a stronger family unit.
  • Learning from my kids – one of the best teachers in life.
  • New challenges ahead that give me an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve.
  • New connections with amazing and beautiful people that give me a different perspective and teach me something new.
  • Pushing myself as hard as I can to be a better version of myself – for my family, for everyone else in my life, and for myself.
  • Another year to chase after my goals and dreams.

To all of you, I wish you a 2023 filled with health and happiness!

  • Do the things that bring you joy and make you feel better about yourself, each and every day!
  • Surround yourself with people that lift you up.
  • Believe in yourself! You WILL achieve what you set your mind to!
  • Follow your heart and chase your dreams.
  • Be courageous, take risks and go after your goals.

Happy New Year! And lets make 2023 our year!

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