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Protect Your Dreams

Dreams make the future feel more exciting and promising.

I’m talking about the dreams that bring you true joy in pursuing them and an unrivaled sense of accomplishment once you achieve them. The dreams that live in your imagination today and take a lot of hard work to achieve. Dreams that once achieved give you such a sense of fulfillment few things can match. Dreams that scare you from acting because the path to get there is so uncertain you don’t know how to start or you’re unsure if you will ever get there. The dreams that if you don’t act, you’ll always look back and wonder “What if…”.

When you were younger, it was likely easier to feel like anything was possible. You had the gift of time on your side and an active imagination that put all kinds of ideas in your head. You haven’t yet placed any limitations on your ability. You were creative, you were curious, you believed that the world was yours to take on!

Then as you grew up, you started telling yourself you don’t have enough time anymore, you’re too busy, or it’s too late. You placed constraints on your dreams year after year and your dreams turned into “practical goals” such as achieving the next milestone in your professional career or in your personal development journey. And as you continue to go about your days, you look around and see others repeating a daily routine year after year, so you accept it as your destiny.

Just like that, your goals turn into achievements within some form of constraint and your dreams disappear because of a vicious cycle of internal and external forces at play that reinforce one another. It can play out like this:

  • Internally, you give yourself an excuse like “I don’t know where to start” or “it’s too late now”
  • Externally, you see others appear so busy with a daily routine that it’s unimaginable there is time for anything else
  • Internally, you feel tired from your daily routine using any time to yourself as downtime and start to accept that you are destined for less than you once hoped to achieve
  • Externally, this gets further reinforced by having conversations with others who have accepted this as their destiny
  • Internally, you start to further accept that chasing your dreams is a silly idea

Get yourself out of this vicious cycle! You will find no motivation within it! The only thing that matters is what YOU believe.


  • Find your drive – keep your fire alive that nothing will stop you from pursuing your dreams
  • Talk positively to yourself – “One day I am going to…”
  • Turn your dreams into goals
  • Find the courage to act on your goals
  • Work hard at achieving all your goals, some of which must be in the pursuit of your dreams
  • Enjoy the journey – you will learn a lot and in turn have a lot to offer others
  • Have no regrets – live a fulfilling life following your heart and doing the things that bring you true joy

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